Page 645 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 645
Richard A. Levin, All’s Well and All Seems Well , «Shakespeare Studies» 13,
1980, pp. 141-42; R. Nevo, Motive and Meaning in All’s Well, in Fanned and
Winnowed Opinions: Shakespearean Essays Presented to Harold Jenkins, a
cura di Mahon e Pendleton, London 1987, pp. 26-51; P. Munoz Simonds,
Sacred and Sexual Motifs in All’s Well, «Renaissance Quarterly», 42, 1989, pp.
33-59; C. Lewis, Derived Honesty and Achieved Goodness: Doctrines of Grace
in All’s Well, «Renaissance and Reformation», 14, 1991, pp. 147-70; J.R.
Solomon, Mortality as a Matter of Mind: Towards a Politics of Problems in All’s
Well, «English Literary Renaissance», 3, 1993, pp. 134-69; R. Miola, New
Comedy in All’s Well, «Renaissance Quarterly», 1, 1993, pp. 23-42. Si veda
infine il capitolo su All’s Well nel volume di prossima pubblicazione di F. Binni,
L’estetica politica dei ‘problem plays’.