Page 644 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
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          J.L.  Styan, Shakespeare  in  Performance:  «All’s  Well  That  Ends  Well» ,
          Manchester 1984; A. Dessen, Taming the Script, in «Shakespeare Bulletin», 1,
          1993,  pp.  34-47;  R.  Wilson, Shakespearean  Narrative,  Newark,  Delaware,


          S.T. Coleridge, Shakespearean Criticism, a cura di T.M. Raysor, London 1931;
          W.W.  Lawrence,  Shakespeare’s  Problem  Comedies,  New  York  1931;  G.B.
          Sha w, Our  Theatre  in  the  Nineties,  London  1932;  E.M.W.  Tillyard,
          Shakespeare’s Problem Plays,  Toronto  1949;  R.G.  Hunter,  Shakespeare and

          the Comedy of Forgiveness, New York 1965; S. Johnson, Works, New Haven
          1968; J.G. Price, The Unfortunate Comedy: A Study of «All’s Well That Ends
          Well» and Its Critics, Toronto 1968; B. Everett, Introduzione, All’s Well That
          Ends Well, New Penguin Shakespeare, London 1970; L. Salingar,  Shakespeare

          and the Traditions of Comedy, Cambridge 1974; W.P. Halstead,  Shakespeare
          as Spoken, Ann Arbor 1979; H. Cole, The «All’s Well» Story from Boccaccio to
          Shakespeare,  Urbana  1981;  R.P.  Wheeler,  Shakespeare’s  Development  and
          the  Problem  Comedies,  Berkeley,  1981;  A.  Kirsch, Shakespeare  and  the

          Experience of Love, Cambridge 1981; R. Fraser, Introduzione, All’s Well That
          Ends  Well,  New  Cambridge  Shakespeare,  London  1985;  R.  Ornstein,
          Shakespeare’s  Comedies,  Newark  1986;  M.  Williamson, The  Patriarchy  of
          Shakespeare’s  Comedies,  Detroit  1986;  M.  Ranald, Shakespeare  and  His

          Social  Context,  New  York  1987;  V.  Thomas,  The  Moral  Universe  of
          Shakespeare’s Problem Plays, London 1987; S.P. Zitner,  All’s Well That Ends
          Well,  Toronto  1989;  R.  Hillman, William  Shakespeare:  The  Problem  Plays,
          New  York  1993;  S.  Snyder,  Introduzione,  All’s Well That Ends Well ,  Oxford

          1993;  D.  Haley, Shakespeare’s  Courtly  Mirror:  Reflexivity  and  Prudence  in
          «All’s Well», Newark, Delaware, 1993.
          Tra i numerosissimi saggi pubblicati sui vari aspetti del dramma si segnalano
          i  seguenti:  M.C.  Bradbrook, Virtue  Is  the  True  Nobility:  a  Study  of  the

          Structure of All’s Well, «Review of English Studies», 1.4, 1950, pp. 289-301;
          James  L.  Calderwood, Styles  of  Knowing  in  All’s  Well,  «Modern  Language
          Quarterly», 25.3, 1964, pp. 272-94; R. Hapgood, The Life of Shame: Parolles
          and All’s Well, «Essays in Criticism», 15.3, 1965, pp. 269-78; A. Leggatt, «All’s

          Well  That  Ends  Well»:  The  Testing  of  Romance ,  «Modern  Language
          Quarterly»,  32,  1971,  pp.  21-41;  R.  Warren,  Does  It  End  Well?  Helena,
          Bertram  and  the  Sonnets,  «Shakespeare’s  Survey»  31,  1978,  pp.  141-53;
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