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Sansoni, Firenze 1964 (1a edizione 1943, nei tre volumi del Teatro di
Shakespeare, i Grandi Classici Stranieri, Sansoni); di G. Baldini, Re Enrico VI
con tutt’intera la contesa fra le due famiglie di Lancaster e di York, Rizzoli
(B.U.R.), Milano 1955; di C. Vico Lodovici, Re Enrico VI, Einaudi, Torino
1965; di A. Dallagiacoma, in I drammi storici. Tomo II, a cura di G.
Melchiori, «I Meridiani» Mondadori, Milano 1989 (il testo inglese a fronte,
pp. 267-547, comprende un’«Appendice» con le «Varianti nell’edizione


T.P. Courtenay, Commentaries on the Historical Plays of Shakespeare, vol.
I, London 1840 ; E.M.W. Tillyard, Shakespeare’s History Plays, London
1944; E.A. Armstrong, Shakespeare’s imagination, London 1946; L.B.
Campbell, Shakespeare’s ‘Histories’: Mirrors of Elizabethan Policy , San
Marino (Ca.) 1947; F.P. Wilson, Marlowe and the Early Shakespeare, Oxford
1953; P.A. Jorgensen, Shakespeare’s Military World, Berkeley (Ca.) 1956 ;
L.C. Knights, Shakespeare’s Politics: With Some Reflections on the Nature
of Tradition (1957), in K. Muir (a cura di), Interpretations of Shakespeare,
Oxford 1985; I Ribner, The English History Play in the Age of Shakespeare,
Princeton (N.J.) 1965; E.M. Waith (a cura di), Shakespeare. The Histories.
A Collection of Critical Essays, Englewood Cliffs (N.J.) 1965; D. Bevington,
Tudor Drama and Politics: A Critical Approach to Topical Meaning ,
Cambridge (Mass.) 1968; B. Vickers, The Artistry of Shakespeare’s Prose,
London 1968; F.P. Wilson, Shakespearian and Other Studies, ed. H.
Gardner, Oxford 1969; H.A. Kelly, Divine Providence in the England of
Shakespeare’s Histories, Cambridge (Mass.) 1970; J.C. Bromley, The
Shakespearean Kings, Boulder (Col.) 1971; J.H. Long, Shakespeare’s Use of
Music: The Histories and the Tragedies , Gainsville (Fla.) 1971; R.B. Pierce,
Shakespeare’s History Plays. The Family and the State , Columbus (Oh.)
1971; W.A. Armstrong (a cura di), Shakespeare’s Histories: An Anthology of
Modern Criticism, Harmondsworth 1972; R. Ornstein, A Kingdom for a
Stage. The Achievement of Shakespeare’s History Plays, Cambridge
(Mass.) 1972; M. Manheim, The Weak King Dilemma in the Shakespearean
History Play, Syracuse (N.Y.) 1973; M.E. Prior, The Drama of Power,
Studies in Shakespeare’s History Plays, Evanston (Ill.) 1973; L. Fiedler, The
Woman as Stranger, in The Stranger in Shakespeare, St. Albans 1974; M.H.
Fleischer, The Iconography of the English History Play, Salzburg 1974; A.L.
French, The Mills of God and Shakespeare’s Early History Plays, in «English
Studies», 55 (1974), pp. 313-24; R.Y. Turner, Shakespeare’s
Apprenticeship, Chicago (Ill.) 1974; E.I. Berry, Patterns of Decay:
Shakespeare’s Early Histories, Charlottesville (Va.) 1975; F.W. Brownlow,
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