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Two Shakespearean Sequences , London 1977; E. Jones, The Origins of
Shakespeare, Oxford 1977; F. Moretti, La grande eclissi. Forma tragica e
sconsacrazione della sovranità, in «Calibano», 4 (1977), pp. 9-52; P.
Saccio, Shakespeare’s English Kings: History, Chronicle, and Drama , Oxford
1977; E.Z. Boris, Shakespeare’s English Kings, the People and the Law ,
Rutherford (N.J.) 1978 ; T.F. Van Laan, Role-Playing in Shakespeare,
Toronto 1978; R. Weimann, Shakespeare and the Popular Tradition in the
Theater, Baltimore 1978 (su questa versione riveduta di Shakespeare und
die Tradition des Volkstheatres [1967] è stata condotta la traduzione
italiana: Shakespeare e la tradizione del teatro popolare, Bologna 1989); J.
Wilders, The Lost Garden: A View of Shakespeare’s English and Roman
History Plays, London 1978; L.S. Champion, Perspective in Shakespeare’s
English Histories, Athens (Ga). 1980; R. Berry, Shakespearean Structures,
London 1981; F. Cercignani, Shakespeare’s works and Elizabethan
pronunciation, Oxford 1981; G.R. Hibbard, The Making of Shakespeare’s
Dramatic Poetry, Toronto 1981; L. Bamber, Comic Women, Tragic Men. A
Study of Gender and Genre in Shakespeare, Stanford (Cal.) 1982; M.
Fre nch, Shakespeare’s Division of Experience, London 1982; E.A.J.
Honigmann, Shakespeare’s Impact on His Contemporaries, London 1982;
D.S. Kastan, Shakespeare and the Shapes of Time, Hanover (N.H.) 1982;
K. Smidt, Uncoformaties in Shakespeare’s History Plays, London 1982; J.W.
Blanpied, Time and the Artist in Shakespeare’s History Plays, Newark (Del.)
1983; D. Goy Blanquet, Des Histories Tristes , in AA.VV., Mythe et Histoire
(Actes de la Societé Française Shakespeare), Paris 1984, pp. 31-49; C.
Belsey, The Subject of Tragedy. Identity and Difference in Renaissance
Drama, New York 1985; D.H. Burden, Shakespeare’s History Plays: 1952-
1983, in «Shakespeare Survey», 38 (1985), pp. 1-18; G. Holderness,
Shakespeare’s History, New York 1985; E.A.J. Honigmann, Shakespeare:
‘The Lost Years’, Manchester 1985; H. Bloom (a cura di), William
Shakespeare. Histories and Poems, New York 1986; D.S. Kastan, Proud
Majesty Made a Subject: Shakespeare and the Spectacle of Rule, in
«Shakespeare Quarterly», 37 (1986), pp. 459-75; P.N. Siegel,
Shakespeare’s English and Roman History Plays: A Marxist Approach,
Madison (N.J.) 1986; L. Tennenhouse, Power on Display: The Politics of
Shakespeare’s Genres, London 1986; R. Ciocca, Il cerchio d’oro, I Re sacri
nel teatro shakespeariano, Roma 1987; S. Wells - G. Taylor (a cura di),
William Shakespeare: A Textual Companion, Oxford 1987; M.L. Williamson,
‘When Men are Rul’d by Women’: Shakespeare’s First Tetralogy , in
«Shakespeare Studies», 19 (1987), pp. 41-60; Laura Di Michele, La scena
dei potenti. Teatro Politica Spettacolo nell’età di Shakespeare , Napoli
1988; W. Iser, Shakespeares Historien: Genesis und Geltung, Konstanz
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