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versione inglese: Shakespeare’s Festive World , Cambridge 1991); L.S.
Marcus, Puzzling Shakespeare. Local Reading and Its Discontents, Berkeley
(Ca.) 1988; M. Quadri-A.M. Bernini-G. Mochi, Nel laboratorio di
Shakespeare. La prima tetralogia, Parma 1988; S. Urkowitz, ‘If I Mistake in
Those Foundations I Build Upon’: Peter Alexander’s Textual Analysis of
Henry VI, Parts 2 and 3, in «English Literary Renaissance», 18 (1988), pp.
230-56; D.G. Watson, Shakespeare’s Early History Plays. Politics at Play on
the Elizabethan Stage, London 1989; R. Knowles, The Farce of History:
Miracle. Combat and Rebellion in 2 Henry VI, in «The Yearbook of English
Studies», 21 (1991), pp. 168-86; T. Merriam, Lord Say, “Sir Thomas More”,
and Good Friday, in «Moreana», CIX (1992), pp. 47-52; P. Pugliatti, ‘More
Than History Can Pattern’: The Jack Cade Rebellion in Shakespeare’s Henry
VI, 2, in «The Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies», 22 (Fall
1992), pp. 451-78; N.S. Levine, The Case of Eleanor Cobham, in
«Shakespeare Studies», 22 (1994), pp. 104-21.
Si rinvia inoltre alle Introduzioni che compaiono nelle già citate edizioni
critiche dell’Enrico VI, parte seconda (J. Dover Wilson, A.S. Cairncross, N.
Sanders, W. Montgomery, J. Papp, M. Hattaway).


E.F. Jacob, The Fifteenth Century 1399-1485, Oxford 1961; J. Gillingham,
The War of the Roses. Peace and Conflict in Fifteenth-Century England,
London 1981; A. Goodman, The Wars of the Roses. Military Activity and
English Society 1452-1497, Routledge 1981; R.A. Griffiths, The Reign of
King Henry VI, London 1981; B. Wolffe, Henry VI, London 1981; R. Wilson,
«A Mingled Yarn». Shakespeare and the Cloth Workers , in «Literature and
History», (Autumn 1986), pp. 164-80; A.J. Pollard, The Wars of the Roses,
New York 1988; I.M.W. Harvey, Jack Cade’s Rebellion of 1450, Oxford
1991; F. Laroque, The Jack Cade Scenes reconsidered: Popular Rebellion,
Utopia or Carnival?, in T. Kishi, R. Pringle, S. Wells (a cura di), Shakespeare
and Cultural Traditions , Newark (Del.) 1991, pp. 76-89; T. Meron, Henry’s
Wars and Shakespeare’s Laws. Perspectives on the Law of War in the Later
Middle Ages, Oxford 1993; E.C. Caldwell, Jack Cade and Shakespeare’s
«Henry VI, Part 2», in «Studies in Philology», (Winter (1995), pp. 18-79; AJ.
Pollard (a cura di), The Wars of the Roses, London 1995; A. Weir,
Lancaster and York. The Wars of the Roses, London 1995.

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