Page 895 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
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N. Frye, On Shakespeare, Markham (Ontario) 1986 (Shakespeare. Nove
lezioni, Torino 1990); P. Hulme, Colonial Encounters. Europe and the Native
Caribbean 1492-1797, New York 1986; T. Cartelli, Prospero in Africa: «The
Tempest» as Colonial Text and Pretext , in J. Howard-M. O’Connor (a cura di),
Shakespeare Reproduced. The Text in History and Ideology, London 1987,
pp. 99-115; M. Garber (a cura di), Cannibals, Witches and Divorce. Estranging
the Renaissance, Baltimora 1987; A. Locatelli, L’eloquenza e gli incantesimi.
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1989, pp. 277-89; D. Carpi Sartori, «The Tempest»: dal fantastico medioevale
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1990, pp. 99-117; E. Cheyfitz, The Poetics of Imperialism. Translation and
Colonization from «The Tempest» to Tarzan , New York 1991; A.T. e V.M.
Vaughan, Shakespeare’s Caliban, Cambridge 1991; H. Bloom (a cura di),
Caliban, ivi 1992; T. Hunter, Approaches to Teaching «The Tempest» and
Other Late Romances, ivi 1992; J. Knapp, An Empire Nowhere. England,
America, and Literature from «Utopia» to «The Tempest», Berkeley 1992; A.
Gurr, The Bare Island, in «Shakespeare Survey» XLVII, 1994, pp. 29-43; L.
Salingar, The New World in «The Tempest», in J. Maquerlot-M. Willenis (a
cura di), Travel and Drama in Shakespeare’s Drama , Cambridge 1994, pp.
209-22; F. Rossi, William Shakespeare, in L’idea dell’America nella cultura
inglese, vol. III, Bari 1996, pp. 9-71; B. Fuchs, Conquering Islands:
Contextualising «The Tempest», in «Shakespeare Quarterly», XLVIII 1, 1997,
pp. 45-62; A. Loomba-M. Orkin (a cura di), Post-colonial Shakespeares,
London 1998; C. Mucci, Tempeste. Narrazioni di esilio in Shakespeare e Karen
Blixen, Pescara 1998; J. Wilkinson, Remembering «The Tempest», Roma