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Shakespeare: The Dark Comedies to the Last Plays, ivi 1971; H. Felperin,
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Cambridge (Mass.) 1972; AA.VV., Revels History of Drama in English, vol. III
(1576-1613), London 1975; L. Bliss, The Wheel of Fortune and the Maiden
Phoenix in Shakespeare’s «King Henry VIII», in «Journal of English Literary
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Last Plays: A New Approach, London 1975; A. Barton, He That Plays the King:
Ford’s «Perkin Warbeck» and the Stuart History Play , in English Drama: Forms
and Development, a cura di M. Axton e R. Williams, ivi 1977; T. McBride,
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Structure and Ceremony: A Case for the Unity in «King Henry VIII», in
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History Play and the Myth of the Elect Nation, in «Renaissance Drama», VIII,
1977; J.D. Cox, «Henry VIII» and the Masque, in «A Journal of English Literary
History», XLV, 1978; N. Frye, Romance as Masque, in Shakespeare’s Romances
Reconsidered, a cura di C.M. Kay e H.E. Jacobs, 1978; W.M. Baillie, «Henry
VIII»: A Jacobean History, in «Shakespeare Studies», XII, 1979; E.I. Berry,
«H e nry VIII» and the Dynamics of Spectacle, ivi; L.S. Champion,
Shakespeare’s «Henry VIII»: a Celebration of History, in «South Atlantic
Bulletin», XLIV, 1979; R.W. Uphaus, History, Romance and «Henry VIII», in
«Jowa State Journal of Research», LIII, 1979; E. Auberlen, «Henry VIII»:
Shakespeare’s Break with the Bluff-King-Harry Tradition , in «Anglia», XCVIII,
1980; J. Candido, Katherine of Aragon and Female Greatness: Shakespeare’s
Debt to Dramatic Tradition, in «Jowa State Journal of Research», LIV, 1980;
F.V. Cespedes, We Are One in Fortunes: the Sense of History in «Henry VIII»,
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dans «Henry VIII», in Le Pouvoir dans la littérature et la pensée anglaises, a
cura di N.J. Rigaud, Aix-en-Provence 1981; M.R. Booth, Victorian Spectacular
Theatre, 1850-1910, London 1981; A. Brissenden, Shakespeare and the
Dance, ivi 1981; A.R. Young, Shakespeare’s «Henry VIII» and the Theme of
Conscience, in «English Studies in Canada», VII, 1981; J. Candido, Fashioning