Page 1469 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
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«Transactions of the New Shakspere Society», 1874; A.H. Thorndike, The
Influence of Beaumont and Fletcher on Shakespeare, Worcester (Mass.)
1901; Anonimo, «Thomas Lord Cromwell», in The Shakespeare Apocrypha, a
cura di C.F. Tucker Brooke, London 1908; G.C.D. Odell, Shakespeare: From
Betterton to Irving, New York 1920; M. Nicholson, The Authorship of «Henry
VIII», in «Publication of the Modern Language Association America», XXXVII,
1922; B. Maxwell, Fletcher and Shakespeare, in «Manly Anniversary Studies»,
1923; P. Alexander, Conjectural History, or Shakespeare’s «Henry VIII», in
«Essays and Studies», XVI, 1930; W.J. Lawrence, The Stage Directions in
«King Henry VIII», in «Times Literary Supplement», 18, XII, 1930; C. Clark, A
Study of Shakespeare’s «Henry VIII», London 1931; G.W. Knight, «Henry VIII»
and the Poetry of Conversion, in The Crown of Life, ivi 1947; H. Craig, An
Interpretation of Shakespeare, New York 1948; F. Kermode, What Is
Shakespeare’s «Henry VIII» About?, in «Durham University Journal», n.s. IX,
1948 (ristampato in Shakespeare’s Histories, a cura di W.A. Armstrong,
Harmondsworth 1972); A.C. Partridge, The Problem of «Henry VIII»
Reopened, Cambridge 1949; M.StC. Byrne, A Stratford Production: «Henry
VIII», in «Shakespeare Survey», III, 1950; S. Rowley, When You See Me You
Know Me, a cura di F.P. Wilson e J. Crow, in «Malone Society Reprints», 1952;
A. Oras, Extra Monosyllables in «Henry VIII» and the Problem of Authorship, in
«Journal of English and Germanic Philology (J.E.G.P.)», LII, 1953; F. Yates,
Shakespeare’s Last Plays, London 1957; I. Ribner, The English History Play in
the Age of Shakespeare, Princeton 1957 (ed. riveduta, London 1965); R.A.
Foakes, On the First Folio Text of «Henry VIII», in «Studies in Bibliography»,
XI, 1958; C. Leech, The Structure of the Last Plays, in «Shakespeare Survey»,
XI, 1958; R.A. Law, The Double Authorship of «Henry VIII», in «Studies in
Philology», LVI, 1959; J.R. Sutherland, The Language of the Last Plays, in
More Talking of Shakespeare , a cura di J. Garrett, London 1959; M. Doran,
recensione di «Henry VIII», in «J.E.G.P.», LIX, 1960; E.E. Duncan-Jones, Queen
Katherine’s Vision and Queen Margaret’s Dream , in «Notes and Queries», n.s.
VIII, 1961; M. Mincoff, «Henry VIII» and Fletcher, in «Shakespeare Quarterly»,
XII, 1961; E.M.W. Tillyard, Why Did Shakespeare Write «Henry VIII»?, in
«Critical Quarterly», III, 1961; P. Bertram, «Henry VIII»: The Conscience of the
King, in In Defence of Reading, a cura di R.A. Brower e R. Poirier, New York
1962; M.P. Jackson, Affirmative Particles in «Henry VIII», in «Notes and
Queries», n.s. IX, 1962; C. Leech, William Shakespeare: The Chronicles,
London 1962; G. Baldini, Ritorno alla storia, in Manualetto shakespeariano,
Torino 1964; A.C. Sprague, Shakespeare’s Histories: Plays for the Stage,