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di), Shakespeare. The Histories. A Collection of Critical Essays, Englewood
Cliffs (N.J.) 1965; D. Bevington, Tudor Drama and Politics: A Critical
Approach to Topical Meaning, Cambridge (Mass.) 1968; H.A. Kelly, Divine
Providence in the England of Shakespeare’s Histories, Cambridge (Mass.)
1970; J.H. Long, Shakespeare’s Use of Music: The Histories and the
Tragedies, Gainsville (Fla.) 1971; R.B. Pierce, Shakespeare’s History Plays.
The Family and the State, Columbus (Oh.) 1971; W.A. Armstrong (a cura
d i ) , Shakespeare’s Histories: An Anthology of Modern Criticism,
Harmondsworth 1972; R. Ornstein, A Kingdom for a Stage. The
Achievement of Shakespeare’s History Plays, Cambridge (Mass.) 1972; M.
Manheim, The Weak King Dilemma in the Shakespearean History Play,
Syracuse (N.Y.) 1973; M.E. Prior, The Drama of Power. Studies in
Shakespeare’s History Plays, Evanston (Ill.) 1973; L. Fiedler, The Woman
as Stranger, in The Stranger in Shakespeare, St. Albans 1974; M.H.
Fleischer, The Iconography of the English History Play, Salzburg 1974; A.L.
French, The Mills of God and Shakespeare’s Early History Plays, in «English
Studies», 55 (1974), pp. 313-324; R.Y. Turner, Shakespeare’s
Apprenticeship, Chicago (Ill.) 1974; E.I. Berry, Patterns of Decay:
Shakespeare’s Early Histories, Charlottesville (Va.) 1975; F.W. Brownlow,
Two Shakespearean Sequences , London 1977; E. Jones, The Origins of
Shakespeare, Oxford 1977; F. Moretti, La grande eclissi. Forma tragica e
sconsacrazione della sovranità, in «Calibano», 4 (1977), pp. 9-52; P.
Saccio, Shakespeare’s English Kings: History, Chronicle, and Drama , Oxford
1977; E.Z. Boris, Shakespeare’s English Kings, the People and the Law ,
Rutherford (N.J.) 1978; T.F. Van Laan, Role-Playing in Shakespeare,
Toronto 1978; J. Wilders, The Lost Garden: A View of Shakespeare’s
English and Roman History Plays, London 1978; L.S. Champion, Perspective
in Shakespeare’s English Histories, Athens (Ga.) 1980; R. Berry,
Shakespearean Structures, London 1981; G.R. Hibbard, The Making of
Shakespeare’s Dramatic Poetry , Toronto 1981; M. French, Shakespeare’s
Division of Experience, London 1982; E.A.J. Honigmann, Shakespeare’s
Impact on His Contemporaries, London 1982; D.S. Kastan, Shakespeare
and the Shapes of Time, Hanover (N.H.) 1982; K. Smidt, Unconformities in
Shakespeare’s History Plays, London 1982; J.W. Blanpied, Time and the
Artist in Shakespeare’s History Plays, Newark (Del.) 1983; D. Goy-
Blanquet, Des Histories Tristes , in AA.VV., Mythe et Histoire (Actes de la
Societé Française Shakespeare), Paris 1984, pp. 31-49; C. Belsey, The
Subject of Tragedy. Identity and Difference in Renaissance Drama , New
York 1985; D.H. Burden, Shakespeare’s History Plays: 1952-1983, in
«Shakespeare Survey», 38 (1985), pp. 1-18; G. Holderness, Shakespeare’s
History, New York 1985; E.A.J. Honigmann, Shakespeare: ‘The Lost Years’,