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Manchester 1985; H. Bloom (a cura di), William Shakespeare. Histories and
Poems, New York 1986; D.S. Kastan, Proud Majesty Made a Subject:
Shakespeare and the Spectacle of Rule, in «Shakespeare Quarterly», 37
(1986), pp. 459-475; P.N. Siegel, Shakespeare’s English and Roman History
Plays: A Marxist Approach, Madison (N.J.) 1986; L. Tennenhouse, Power on
Display: The Politics of Shakespeare’s Genres , London 1986; R. Ciocca, Il
cerchio d’oro. I Re sacri nel teatro shakespeariano, Roma 1987; S. Wells -
G. Taylor (a cura di), William Shakespeare: A Textual Companion, Oxford
1987; M.L. Williamson, ‘When Men are Rul’d by Women’: Shakespeare’s
First Tetralogy , in «Shakespeare Studies», 19 (1987), pp. 41-60; W. Iser,
Shakespeares Historien: Genesis und Geltung, Konstanz 1988; A. Leggatt,
Shakespeare’s Political Drama , London 1988; N. Shaheen, Biblical
References in Shakespeare’s History Plays, Newark (Del.) 1989; L.S.
Champion, ‘The Noise of Threatening Drum’: Dramatic Strategy and
Political Ideology in Shakespeare and the English Chronicle Plays, Newark
(Del.) 1990; P. Rackin, Stages of History: Shakespeare’s English Chronicles,
Ithaca (N.Y.) 1990; B. Hodgdon, The End Crowns All. Closure and
Contradiction in Shakespeare’s History, Princeton (N.J.) 1991; R.C. Jones,
These Valiant Dead: Reviewing the Past in Shakespeare’s Histories , Iowa
City (Ja.) 1991; W.F. Bolton, Shakespeare’s English: Language in the
History Plays, Oxford 1992; C. Edelman, Brawl Ridiculous. Swordfighting in
Shakespeare’s Plays, Manchester 1992; G. Holderness, Shakespeare
Recycled. The Making of Historical Drama, New York 1992; S.S. Hussey,
The Literary Language of Shakespeare, London 19922; E. Pearlman,
William Shakespeare. The History Plays, New York 1992; D. Märtin,
Shakespeares ‘Fiend-like Queens’, Heidelberg 1992; P. Pugliatti,
Shakespeare storico, Roma 1993; F. Ferrara, Il teatro dei re. Saggio sui
drammi storico-politici di Shakespeare, Bari 1995.
Studi sulla trilogia di «Enrico VI»: J.P. Brockbank, The Frame of Disorder -
«Henry VI», in J.R. Brown - B. Harris (a cura di), Early Shakespeare,
London 1961, pp. 73-99; R.S. Berman, Fathers and Sons in the «Henry VI»
Plays, in «Shakespeare Quarterly», 13 (1962), pp. 487-497; S. Burckhardt,
Shakespeare’s Meanings, Princeton (N.J.) 1968; A.L. French, Joan of Arc
and «Henry VI», in «English Studies», 49 (1968), pp. 425-429; D.M. Ricks,
Shakespeare’s Emergent Form. A Study of the Structures of the Henry VI
Plays, Logan (Ut.) 1968; A.L. French, Henry VI and the Ghost of Richard II,
in «English Studies», 50 (1969), pp. xxxvii-1; D. Riggs, Shakespeare’s
Heroical Histories: Henry VI and Its Literary Tradition, Cambridge (Mass.)
1971; R. Watkins, The Only Shake-Scene, in «Philological Quarterly», 54
(1975), pp. 47-67; D.L. Frey, The First Tetralogy. Shakespeare’s Scrutiny of
the Tudor Myth, Le Hague 1976; D.M. Bergeron, The Play-within-the-Play