Page 1432 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1432

Cold as old Saturn and like him possessed
               With fire malevolent, darted a spark,
               Or what fierce sulphur else, to this end made,
               I comment not; the hot horse, hot as fire, [65]

               Took toy at this, and fell to what disorder
               His power could give his will − bounds, comes on end,
               Forgets school-doing, being therein trained
               And of kind manage; pig-like he whines

               At the sharp rowel, which he frets at rather [70]
               Than any jot obeys; seeks all foul means
               Of boisterous and rough jadery to disseat
               His lord, that kept it bravely. When naught served,

               When neither curb would crack, girth break, nor differing plunges
               Disroot his rider whence he grew, but that [75]
               He kept him ’tween his legs, on his hind hooves
               On end he stands,

               That Arcite’s legs, being higher than his head,
               Seemed with strange art to hang; his victor’s wreath
               Even then fell off his head; and presently [80]
               Backward the jade comes o’er, and his full poise

               Becomes the rider’s load. Yet is he living;
               But such a vessel ’tis that floats but for
               The surge that next approaches. He much desires
               To have some speech with you. Lo, he appears. [85]

                       Enter Theseus, Hippolyta, Emilia, and Arcite carried in a chair.

               O miserable end of our alliance!
               The gods are mighty. Arcite, if thy heart,
               Thy worthy, manly heart, be yet unbroken,
               Give me thy last words. I am Palamon,

               One that yet loves thee dying.

                               Take Emilia, [90]
               And with her all the world’s joy; reach thy hand.
               Farewell; I have told my last hour. I was false,
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