Page 1428 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1428
I know you will not lose her.
Arcite takes Emilia’s arm in his. Flourish.
I see one eye of yours conceives a tear,
The which it will deliver.
Is this winning?
O all you heavenly powers, where is your mercy?
But that your wills have said it must be so, [140]
And charge me live to comfort this unfriended,
This miserable prince, that cuts away
A life more worthy from him than all women,
I should, and would, die too.
Infinite pity
That four such eyes should be so fixed on one [145]
That two must needs be blind for’t.
So it is.
Scene IV IT
Enter Palamon and his knights pinioned, with Gaoler, executioner, and a
guard of soldiers.
There’s many a man alive that hath outlived
The love o’th’people; yea, i’th’selfsame state
Stands many a father with his child; some comfort
We have by so considering. We expire,
And not without men’s pity; to live still, [5]
Have their good wishes. We prevent
The loathsome misery of age, beguile