Page 1426 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1426
Both into one! O, why, there were no woman [85]
Worth so composed a man; their single share,
Their nobleness peculiar to them, gives
The prejudice of disparity, value’s shortness,
To any lady breathing −
Cornets. Cry within ‘Arcite, Arcite!’.
More exulting?
‘Palamon’ still?
Nay, now the sound is ‘Arcite’. [90]
I prithee lay attention to the cry;
Set both thine ears to th’business.
Cornets. A great shout and cry ‘Arcite, victory!’.
The cry is
‘Arcite’ and ‘Victory!’ Hark, ‘Arcite, victory!’
The combat’s consummation is proclaimed
By the wind instruments.
Half-sights saw [95]
That Arcite was no babe − God’s lid, his richness
And costliness of spirit looked through him; it could
No more be hid in him than fire in flax,
Than humble banks can go to law with waters
That drift winds force to raging. I did think [100]
Good Palamon would miscarry, yet I knew not
Why I did think so; our reasons are not prophets
When oft our fancies are.
They are coming off.
Alas, poor Palamon!
Enter Theseus, Hippolyta, Pirithous, Arcite as victor, and attendants.