Page 1424 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1424


                               Farewell, sister;
               I am like to know your husband ’fore yourself
               By some small start of time. He whom the gods

               Do of the two know best, I pray them he
               Be made your lot. [40]
                                                        All go out except Emilia and her attendants.

               Arcite is gently visaged, yet his eye
               Is like an engine bent or a sharp weapon

               In a soft sheath; mercy and manly courage
               Are bedfellows in his visage. Palamon
               Has a most menacing aspect; his brow [45]
               Is graved, and seems to bury what it frowns on.

               Yet sometime ’tis not so, but alters to
               The quality of his thoughts; long time his eye
               Will dwell upon his object. Melancholy
               Becomes him nobly; so does Arcite’s mirth, [50]

               But Palamon’s sadness is a kind of mirth,
               So mingled as if mirth did make him sad,
               And sadness merry. Those darker humours that
               Stick misbecomingly on others, on him

               Live in fair dwelling. [55]
                                                            Cornets. Trumpets sound as to a charge.
               Hark how yon spurs to spirit do incite
               The princes to their proof! Arcite may win me,

               And yet may Palamon wound Arcite to
               The spoiling of his figure. O, what pity
               Enough for such a chance? If I were by, [60]
               I might do hurt, for they would glance their eyes

               Toward my seat, and in that motion might
               Omit a ward or forfeit an offence
               Which craved that very time. It is much better
               I am not there − O, better never born, [65]

               Than minister to such harm!
              Cornets. A great cry and noise within, crying ‘A Palamon!’. Enter a Servant.
                               What is the chance?
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