Page 1427 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1427


               Lo, where our sister is in expectation, [105]
               Yet quaking and unsettled! − Fairest Emily,
               The gods by their divine arbitrament

               Have given you this knight; he is a good one
               As ever struck at head. Give me your hands.
               Receive you her, you him; he plighted with [110]
               A love that grows as you decay.


               To buy you I have lost what’s dearest to me
               Save what is bought, and yet I purchase cheaply,
               As I do rate your value.

                               O loved sister,

               He speaks now of as brave a knight as e’er [115]
               Did spur a noble steed; surely the gods
               Would have him die a bachelor, lest his race
               Should show i’th’world too godlike! His behaviour
               So charmed me that methought Alcides was

               To him a sow of lead. If I could praise [120]
               Each part of him to th’all I have spoke, your Arcite
               Did not lose by’t; for he that was thus good

               Encountered yet his better. I have heard
               Two emulous Philomels beat the ear o’th’night
               With their contentious throats, now one the higher, [125]
               Anon the other, then again the first,
               And by and by outbreasted, that the sense

               Could not be judge between ’em; so it fared
               Good space between these kinsmen, till heavens did
               Make hardly one the winner. − Wear the garland [130]

               With joy that you have won. − For the subdued,
               Give them our present justice, since I know
               Their lives but pinch ’em; let it here be done.
               The scene’s not for our seeing; go we hence,
               Right joyful, with some sorrow. [To Arcite] Arm your prize; [135]
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