Page 1431 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1431
Hold, hold, O hold, hold, hold! [40]
Enter Pirithous in haste.
Hold, ho! It is a cursèd haste you made
If you have done so quickly. Noble Palamon,
The gods will show their glory in a life
That thou art yet to lead.
Can that be, when
Venus I have said is false? How do things fare? [45]
Arise, great sir, and give the tidings ear
That are most early sweet and bitter.
Hath waked us from our dream?
List then. Your cousin,
Mounted upon a steed that Emily
Did first bestow on him, a black one, owing [50]
Not a hair-worth of white, which some will say
Weakens his price, and many will not buy
His goodness with this note − which superstition
Here finds allowance − on this horse is Arcite
Trotting the stones of Athens, which the calkins [55]
Did rather tell than trample, for the horse
Would make his length a mile, if’t pleased his rider
To put pride in him. As he thus went counting
The flinty pavement, dancing as ’twere to th’music
His own hooves made − for, as they say, from iron [60]
Came music’s origin − what envious flint,