Page 1434 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1434
Never fortune
Did play a subtler game: the conquered triumphs,
The victor has the loss; yet in the passage
The gods have been most equal. Palamon, [115]
Your kinsman hath confessed the right o’th’lady
Did lie in you, for you first saw her, and
Even then proclaimed your fancy; he restored her
As your stolen jewel, and desired your spirit
To send him hence forgiven. The gods my justice [120]
Take from my hand, and they themselves become
The executioners. Lead your lady off;
And call your lovers from the stage of death,
Whom I adopt my friends. A day or two
Let us look sadly, and give grace unto [125]
The funeral of Arcite, in whose end
The visages of bridegrooms we’ll put on
And smile with Palamon; for whom an hour,
But one hour since, I was as dearly sorry
As glad of Arcite, and am now as glad [130]
As for him sorry. O you heavenly charmers,
What things you make of us! For what we lack
We laugh; for what we have are sorry; still
Are children in some kind. Let us he thankful
For that which is, and with you leave dispute [135]
That are above our question. Let’s go off,
And bear us like the time.
Flourish. Exeunt.