Page 1433 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1433
Yet never treacherous; forgive me, cousin.
One kiss from fair Emilia −
She kisses him.
’Tis done.
Take her; I die.
He dies.
Thy brave soul seek Elysium! [95]
I’ll close thine eyes, prince; blessèd souls be with thee!
Thou art a right good man, and while I live
This day I give to tears.
And I to honour.
In this place first you fought; e’en very here
I sundered you. Acknowledge to the gods [100]
Your thanks that you are living.
His part is played, and though it were too short
He did it well; your day is lengthened, and
The blissful dew of heaven does arrouse you.
The powerful Venus well hath graced her altar, [105]
And given you your love; our master Mars
Hath vouched his oracle, and to Arcite gave
The grace of the contention; so the deities
Have showed due justice. Bear this hence.
O cousin,
That we should things desire which do cost us [110]
The loss of our desire! That naught could buy
Dear love but loss of dear love!