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Bodies, London 1977; F.M. Brownlow, Two Shakespearean Sequences, ivi
1977; E.Z. Boris, Shakespeare’s English Kings: The People and The Law,
Farleigh 1978; M. Holmes, Shakespeare and Burbage, Chichester, Sussex,
1978; R. Berry, The Shakespearean Metaphor, London 1978; E. Grennan,
Shakespeare’s Satirical History: A Reading of «King John», in «Shakespeare
Survey», 11 (1978), pp. 21-37; P. Edwards, Threshold of a Nation, Cambridge
1979; L.S. Champion, Perspective in Shakespeare’s English Histories, Athens,
Ga., 1980; A. Bloom, Shakespeare’s Politics, Chicago 1981; K. Smidt,
Unconformities in Shakespeare’s History Plays, London 1982; S. Larry,
Perspective in Shakespeare’s English Histories, Athens, Ga., 1982; E.A.J.
Honigmann, Shakespeare’s Impact on His Contemporaries, London 1982; P.
Saccio, Shakespeare’s English Kings: History, Chronicle and Drama , New York
1982; D. Scott Kastan, Shakespeare and The Shapes of Time, London 1982;
G.G. Thayer, Shakespearean Politics: Government and Misgovernment in the
Great Histories, Ohio University Press, 1983; J.L. Halio, Alternative Action:
The Tragedy of Missed Opportunities in «King John», in «Hebrew University
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Radical Tragedy: Religion, Ideology and Power in the Drama of Shakespeare
and His Contemporaries, Brighton 1984; W. Blanpied, Time and The Artist in
Shakespeare’s English Histories, Newark 1984; P.G. Pugliatti, Shakespeare’s
Histories as Genre, in «Il Confronto letterario», 1 (1984), pp. 29-53; V. Mason
Vaughan, «King John» as Transition Between Tetralogies , in «Shakespeare
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drames historiques de Shakespeare, Lille 1984; G. Holderness, Shakespeare’s
History, Dublin 1985; J. Dollimore-A. Sinfield (a cura di), Political