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Shakespeare’s  «Pericles»,  in  «English  Studies», XLIV  (1963);  F.  Kermode,
          «Pericles»,  in William Shakespeare: The Final Plays, London 1963; H. Craig,

          When  Shakespeare  Altered  His  Sources,  in  «The  Centennial  Review», VIII
          (1964); F. Berry,  Word and Picture in the Final Plays, in Later Shakespeare, a

          cura di J. Russell Brown e B. Harris, New York 1966; C.L. Barber,  «Thou that
          beget’st  him  that  did  thee  beget»:  Transformation  in  «Pericles»  and  «The
          Winter’s  Tale» ,  in  «Shakespeare  Survey»,  22  (1969);  D.J.  Lake, The
          «Pericles»  Candidates:  Heywood,  Rowley,  Wilkins ,  in  «Notes  and  Queries»,

          XVII  (1970);  J.P.  Brockbank, «Pericles»  and  the  Dream  of  Immortality,  in
          «Shakespeare  Survey»,  24  (1971);  W.B.  Thorne, «Pericles» and the Incest-
          Fertility Opposition, in «Shakespeare Quarterly», XXII (1971); H. Felperin, The
          Great  Miracle:  «Pericles»,  in Shakespearean  Romance,  Princeton  University

          Press  1972;  W.A.  McIntosh, Musical  Design  in  «Pericles»,  in  «English
          Language Notes», XI (1973); J.O. Wood, Shakespeare’s Hand in «Pericles», in
          «Notes and Queries», XXI (1974); R.E. Gajdusek, Death, Incest, and the Triple
          Bond  in  the  Later  Plays  of  Shakespeare,  in  «American  Imago»,  31  (1974);

          W.F. Eggers jr., Shakespeare’s Gower and the Role of the Authorial Presenter,
          in  «Philological  Quarterly», LIV  (1975);  J.O.  Wood, The  Shakespearean
          Language of «Pericles», in «English Language Notes», XIII (1975); L. Marder,
          Stylometric  Analysis  and  the  «Pericles»  Problem,  in  «Shakespeare

          Newsletter», XXIV  (1976);  N.C.  Michael, The Relationship between the 1609
          Quarto of «Pericles» and Wilkins’ «Painfull Adventures», in «Tulane Studies in
          English», XXII  (1977);  I.S.  Ewbank, «My name is Marina»: The Language of
          Recognition,  in  Shakespeare’s  Styles,  Cambridge  University  Press  1980;  L.

          Caretti, La fuga di Pericle, in La Tempesta e l’ultimo Shakespeare, a cura di A.
          Lombardo, Roma 1980-81; G. Melchiori, Introduzione ai drammi romanzeschi
          e  Introduzione  a Pericle,  in I drammi romanzeschi,  cit.;  J.  Pitcher, The Poet
          and Taboo: The Riddle of Shakespeare’s «Pericles» , in «Essays and Studies»,

          35  (1982);  F.  Marenco,  Introduzione  a Pericle,  cit.;  M.J.  Dunbar, «To  the
          Judgement of Your Eye»: Iconography and the Theatrical Art of «Pericles», in
          Shakespeare,  Man  of  the  Theatre,  a  cura  di  K.  Muir  e  altri,  University  of
          Delaware Press 1983.


          N. Frye, A Natural Perspective, New York, Columbia University Press, 1965; G.
          B e e r, The  Romance,  London  1970;  B.  Mowat, The  Dramaturgy  of
          Shakespeare’s Romances, Athens, The University of Georgia Press, 1976; M.
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