Page 1635 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1635
As he made semblance of his duty, would
Have put his knife into him.”
A giant traitor!
Now, madam, may his highness live in freedom, [200]
And this man out of prison?
God mend all.
There’s something more would out of thee: what sayst?
After “the Duke his father”, with the “knife”,
He stretched him, and, with one hand on his dagger,
Another spread on’s breast, mounting his eyes, [205]
He did discharge a horrible oath, whose tenor
Was, were he evil used, he would outgo
His father by as much as a performance
Does an irresolute purpose.
There’s his period,
To sheathe his knife in us. He is attached; [210]
Call him to present trial. If he may
Find mercy in the law, ’tis his; if none,
Let him not seek’t of us. By day and night
He’s traitor to th’height!
Scene III IT
Enter the Lord Chamberlain and Lord Sands