Page 1635 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1635

As he made semblance of his duty, would
               Have put his knife into him.”

                               A giant traitor!

               Now, madam, may his highness live in freedom, [200]
               And this man out of prison?

                               God mend all.

               There’s something more would out of thee: what sayst?

               After “the Duke his father”, with the “knife”,
               He stretched him, and, with one hand on his dagger,
               Another spread on’s breast, mounting his eyes, [205]

               He did discharge a horrible oath, whose tenor
               Was, were he evil used, he would outgo
               His father by as much as a performance
               Does an irresolute purpose.

                               There’s his period,

               To sheathe his knife in us. He is attached; [210]
               Call him to present trial. If he may
               Find mercy in the law, ’tis his; if none,
               Let him not seek’t of us. By day and night

               He’s traitor to th’height!

                                                    Scene III         IT

                                   Enter the Lord Chamberlain and Lord Sands
   1630   1631   1632   1633   1634   1635   1636   1637   1638   1639   1640