Page 1631 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1631

Enter Surveyor

               I am sorry that the Duke of Buckingham
               Is run in your displeasure.

                               It grieves many: [110]
               The gentleman is learned, and a most rare speaker,

               To nature none more bound; his training such
               That he may furnish and instruct great teachers,
               And never seek for aid out of himself. Yet see,
               When these so noble benefits shall prove [115]

               Not well disposed, the mind growing once corrupt,
               They turn to vicious forms, ten times more ugly
               Than ever they were fair. This man so complete,
               Who was enrolled ’mongst wonders, and when we

               Almost with ravished listening, could not find [120]
               His hour of speech a minute − he, my lady,
               Hath into monstrous habits put the graces
               That once were his, and is become as black

               As if besmeared in hell. Sit by us. You shall hear −
               This was his gentleman in trust − of him [125]
               Things to strike honour sad. Bid him recount
               The fore-recited practices, whereof

               We cannot feel too little, hear too much.

               Stand forth, and with bold spirit relate what you,
               Most like a careful subject, have collected [130]
               Out of the Duke of Buckingham.

                               Speak freely.


               First, it was usual with him − every day
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