Page 1626 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1626
The King, t’attach Lord Montacute, and the bodies
Of the Duke’s confessor, John de la Car,
One Gilbert Perk, his chancellor −
So, so;
These are the limbs o’th’plot: no more, I hope. [220]
A monk o’th’Chartreux.
O, Nicholas Hopkins?
My surveyor is false: the o’er-great Cardinal
Hath showed him gold; my life is spanned already:
I am the shadow of poor Buckingham,
Whose figure even this instant cloud puts on [225]
By darkening my clear sun. My lords, farewell.
Scene II IT
Cornets. Enter King Henry, leaning on Cardinal [Wolsey]’s shoulder, the
Nobles, and Sir Thomas Lovell. The Cardinal places himself under the King’s
feet on his right side
My life itself, and the best heart of it,
Thanks you for this great care. I stood i’th’level
Of a full-charged confederacy, and give thanks
To you that choked it. Let be called before us
That gentleman of Buckingham’s: in person [5]