Page 1622 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1622

What, are you chafed?
               Ask God for temperance, that’s th’appliance only
               Which your disease requires.

                               I read in’s looks [125]
               Matter against me, and his eye reviled

               Me as his abject object: at this instant
               He bores me with some trick. He’s gone to th’King:
               I’ll follow, and outstare him.

                               Stay, my lord,

               And let your reason with your choler question [130]
               What ’tis you go about: to climb steep hills
               Requires slow pace at first. Anger is like
               A full hot horse, who being allowed his way,

               Self-mettle tires him. Not a man in England
               Can advise me like you: be to yourself [135]
               As you would to your friend.

                               I’ll to the King,

               And from a mouth of honour quite cry down
               This Ipswich fellow’s insolence, or proclaim
               There’s difference in no persons.

                               Be advised:
               Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot [140]

               That it do singe yourself. We may outrun
               By violent swiftness that which we run at,
               And lose by over-running. Know you not
               The fire that mounts the liquor till’t run o’er

               In seeming to augment it wastes it? Be advised: [145]
               I say again there is no English soul
               More stronger to direct you than yourself,
               If with the sap of reason you would quench
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