Page 1619 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1619


                               I cannot tell
               What heaven hath given him: let some graver eye
               Pierce into that; but I can see his pride

               Peep through each part of him. Whence has he that?
               If not from hell, the devil is a niggard, [70]
               Or has given all before, and he begins
               A new hell in himself.

                               Why the devil,

               Upon this French going out, took he upon him
               (Without the privity o’th’King) t’appoint
               Who should attend on him? He makes up the file [75]
               Of all the gentry; for the most part such

               To whom as great a charge as little honour
               He meant to lay upon; and his own letter
               The honourable board of Council out,
               Must fetch him in, he papers.

                               I do know [80]

               Kinsmen of mine, three at the least, that have
               By this so sickened their estates that never
               They shall abound as formerly.

                               O, many

               Have broke their backs with laying manors on ’em
               For this great journey. What did this vanity [85]
               But minister communication of
               A most poor issue?

                               Grievingly I think

               The peace between the French and us not values
               The cost that did conclude it.
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