Page 1616 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1616

ACT I       IT

                                                     Scene I        IT

                     Enter the Duke of Norfolk at one door; at the other, the Duke of
                                    Buckingham and the Lord Abergavenny

               Good morrow, and well met. How have ye done
               Since last we saw in France?

                               I thank your grace,

               Healthful, and ever since a fresh admirer
               Of what I saw there.

                               An untimely ague
               Stayed me a prisoner in my chamber when [5]
               Those suns of glory, those two lights of men,

               Met in the vale of Andren.

                               ’Twixt Guynes and Arde,
               I was then present, saw them salute on horseback,
               Beheld them when they lighted, how they clung

               In their embracement, as they grew together; [10]
               Which had they, what four throned ones could have weighed
               Such a compounded one?

                               All the whole time
               I was my chamber’s prisoner.
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