Page 1625 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1625
My lord the Duke of Buckingham, and Earl
Of Hereford, Stafford, and Northampton, I [200]
Arrest thee of high treason, in the name
Of our most sovereign King.
Lo you, my lord,
The net has fall’n upon me, I shall perish
Under device and practice.
I am sorry
To see you ta’en from liberty, to look on [205]
The business present. ’Tis his highness’ pleasure
You shall to th’Tower.
It will help me nothing
To plead mine innocence, for that dye is on me
Which makes my whit’st part black. The will of heaven
Be done in this and all things: I obey. [210]
O my Lord Aberga’nny, fare you well.
Nay, he must bear you company. [To Abergavenny] The King
Is pleased you shall to th’Tower, till you know
How he determines further.
As the Duke said,
The will of heaven be done, and the King’s pleasure [215]
By me obeyed.
Here is a warrant from