Page 1634 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1634

On my soul, I’ll speak but truth.
               I told my lord the Duke, by th’devil’s illusions
               The monk might be deceived, and that ’twas dangerous
               For him to ruminate on this so far, until [180]

               It forged him some design, which, being believed,
               It was much like to do. He answered, “Tush,
               It can do me no damage”; adding further
               That, had the King in his last sickness failed,

               The Cardinal’s and Sir Thomas Lovell’s heads [185]
               Should have gone off.

                               Ha! What, so rank? Ah, ha,
               There’s mischief in this man. Canst thou say further?

               I can, my liege.


                               Being at Greenwich,
               After your highness had reproved the Duke
               About Sir William Bulmer −

                               I remember [190]

               Of such a time; being my sworn servant,
               The Duke retained him his. But on; what hence?

               “If”, quoth he, “I for this had been committed,
               As to the Tower I thought, I would have played
               The part my father meant to act upon [195]

               Th’usurper Richard; who, being at Salisbury,
               Made suit to come in’s presence, which if granted,
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