Page 1637 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1637
The reformation of our travelled gallants,
That fill the court with quarrels, talk, and tailors. [20]
I’m glad ’tis there; now I would pray our monsieurs
To think an English courtier may be wise,
And never see the Louvre.
They must either,
For so run the conditions, leave those remnants
Of fool and feather that they got in France, [25]
With all their honourable points of ignorance
Pertaining thereunto, as fights and fireworks,
Abusing better men than they can be
Out of a foreign wisdom, renouncing clean
The faith they have in tennis and tall stockings, [30]
Short blistered breeches, and those types of travel,
And understand again like honest men,
Or pack to their old playfellows. There, I take it,
They may, cum privilegio, “oui” away
The lag end of their lewdness, and be laughed at. [35]
’Tis time to give ’em physic, their diseases
Are grown so catching.
What a loss our ladies
Will have of these trim vanities!
Ay, marry,
There will be woe indeed, lords: the sly whoresons
Have got a speeding trick to lay down ladies. [40]
A French song and a fiddle has no fellow.