Page 1639 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1639

He had a black mouth that said other of him.

               He may, my lord; has wherewithal: in him
               Sparing would show a worse sin than ill doctrine. [60]
               Men of his way should be most liberal:
               They are set here for examples.

                               True, they are so;
               But few now give so great ones. My barge stays;
               Your lordship shall along. Come, good Sir Thomas,
               We shall be late else, which I would not be, [65]

               For I was spoke to, with Sir Henry Guilford,
               This night to be comptrollers.

                               I am your lordship’s.

                                                    Scene IV          IT

                Hautboys. A small table under a state for the Cardinal, a longer table for
          the guests. Then enter Anne Bullen and divers other ladies and gentlemen as
                      guests, at one door; at another door enter Sir Henry Guilford

               Ladies, a general welcome from his grace

               Salutes ye all. This night he dedicates
               To fair content, and you. None here, he hopes,
               In all this noble bevy, has brought with her

               One care abroad. He would have all as merry [5]
               As, first, good company, good wine, good welcome
               Can make good people.
                   Enter [the] Lord Chamberlain, Lord Sands, and [Sir Thomas] Lovell
                               O, my lord, you’re tardy.

               The very thought of this fair company
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