Page 1633 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1633
How know’st thou this? [150]
Not long before your highness sped to France,
The Duke being at the Rose, within the parish
Saint Lawrence Poultney, did of me demand
What was the speech among the Londoners
Concerning the French journey. I replied [155]
Men feared the French would prove perfidious,
To the King’s danger. Presently the Duke
Said ’twas the fear indeed, and that he doubted
’Twould prove the verity of certain words
Spoke by a holy monk, that oft, says he, [160]
Hath sent to me, wishing me to permit
John de la Car, my chaplain, a choice hour
To hear from him a matter of some moment;
Whom after under the confession’s seal
He solemnly had sworn that what he spoke [165]
My chaplain to no creature living but
To me should utter, with demure confidence
This pausingly ensued: “Neither the King nor’s heirs,
Tell you the Duke, shall prosper; bid him strive
To win the love o’th’commonalty; the Duke [170]
Shall govern England”.
If I know you well,
You were the Duke’s surveyor, and lost your office
On the complaint o’th’tenants: take good heed
You charge not in your spleen a noble person
And spoil your nobler soul, I say, take heed; [175]
Yes, heartily beseech you.
Let him on.
Go forward.