Page 1465 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
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interrogativi  e  ipotesi,  in  «Annali  delle  Facoltà  di  Lettere  &  magistero  di
          Cagliari», XXXVI, 1973 (rist. in Saggi di letteratura inglese e americana, Roma
          1977);  R.  Battenhouse, The  Relation  of  Henry V  to  Tamburlaine ,  in
          «Shakespeare Survey», XXVII, 1974; G. Ross Smith, Shakespeare’s «Henry V»:

          Another Part of the Critical Forest, in «Journal of the History of Ideas», XXXVII,
          1976; H.J. Schwartz, The Comic Scenes in «Henry V», in «Hebrew Studies in
          Literature»,  n.  4,  1976;  W.  Babula, Whatever  Happened  to  Prince  Hal?  An
          Essay  on  «Henry V»,  in  «Shakespeare  Survey», XXX,  1977;  A.  Gurr, Henry V

          and the Bees’ Commonwealth, ivi; J. Jorgens, Laurence  Olivier’s  Henry V, in
          Shakespeare on Film, Bloomington 1977; G. Rabkin, Rabbits, Duck, and Henry
          V, in «Shakespeare Quarterly», XXVIII, 1977; G.P. Jones, Henry V: the Chorus
          and  the  Audience,  in  «Shakespeare  Survey», XXXI,  1978;  R.M.  Levitsky,

          «Consideration»  as  a  Key  to  the  Character  of  Henry V,  in  «Notes  and
          Queries»,  N.S. XXV,  1978;  J.L.  Calderwood, Metadrama  in  Shakespeare’s
          Henriad:        «Richard II»  to  «Henry V»,  Sacramento  1979;  G.  Melchiori,
          Introduzione  ai  drammi  storici  e  a Henry V,  in  W.  Shakespeare, Teatro

          completo,  vol. VII  (I  drammi  storici,  tomo I),  Milano  1979;  S.  Wells  &  G.
          Taylor, Modernizing Shakespeare’s Spelling, with Three Studies in the Text of
          «Henry V», Oxford 1979; A. Celli, Henry V, in Nel laboratorio di Shakespeare:
          dalle  fonti  ai  drammi,  vol. III  (La  seconda  tetralogia),  Parma  1979;  P.B.

          Erickson, The Fault My Father Made: The Anxious Pursuit of Heroic Fame in
          Shakespeare’s  «Henry V»,  in  «Modern  Language  Studies», X,  1979-80;  W.L.
          Godshalk, Henry V’s Politics of Non-Responsibility, in «Cahiers Élisabéthains»,
          XVII,  1980;  B.  Salomon, Thematic Contraries and the Dramaturgy of «Henry

          V»,  in  «Shakespeare  Quarterly», XXXI,  1981;  P.  Davison, «Henry V»  in  the
          Context  of  the  Popular  Dramatic  Tradition,  Winchester  1981;  P.  Dean,
          Chronicle  and  Romance  Modes  in  «Henry V»,  in  «Shakespeare  Quarterly»,
          XXXI,  1981;  J.M.  Lenz, The  Politics  of  Honour:  The  Oath  in  «Henry V»,  in

          «Journal  of  English  and  Germanic  Philology», LXXX,  1981;  W.M.  Richardson,
          The Brave New World of Shakespeare’s Henry V Revisited, in «Allegorica», VI,
          1981; D.G. Collins, On Re-interpreting «Henry V», in «The Upstart Crow», IV,
          1982; A. Lynch, Henry V: Majesty and the Man, ivi; L. Danson, Henry V: King,

          Chorus, and Critics,  in  «Shakespeare  Quarterly», XXXIV, 1983; R.F. Fleissner,
          Putting Falstaff to Rest: Tabulating the Facts , in «Shakespeare Studies», XVI,
          1983; «Henry V»:  An  Annotated  Bibliography,  a  cura  di  J.  Candido  e  C.R.
          Forker, New York 1983; G. Taylor,  Introduction a W. Shakespeare, Henry V,

          The  Oxford  Shakespeare,  Oxford  &  New  York  1984;  R.  Levin, Hazlitt  on
          «H e nry V»  and  the  Appropriation  of  Shakespeare,  in  «Shakespeare
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