Page 1466 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
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Quarterly», XXXV, 1984; D.K.C. Todd, Shakespeare’s Agincourt, Durham 1985;
J. Bate, Hal and the Regent, in «Shakespeare Survey», XXXVIII, 1985; R.
Battenhouse, «Henry V» in the Light of Erasmus, in «Shakespeare Studies»,
XVII, 1985; L. Wilcox, Katherine of France as Victim and Bride, ivi; K. Brown,
Historical Context and «Henry V», in «Cahiers Élisabéthains», XXIX, 1986; A.
Hammond, It must be your imagination then: The Prologue and the Plural
Text in «Henry V» and Elsewhere, in Fanned and Winnowed Opinion, a cura di
J.W. Mahon e T.A. Pendleton, London 1987; G. Walch, «Henry V» as a
Working House of Ideology, in «Shakespeare Survey», XL, 1988; William
Shakespeare’s Henry V: Modern Critical Interpretations, a cura di H. Bloom,
New York 1988.