Page 1670 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1670

Beseech you, sir, to spare me, till I may
               Be by my friends in Spain advised, whose counsel [55]
               I will implore. If not, i’th’name of God,
               Your pleasure be fulfilled.

                               You have here, lady,

               And of your choice, these reverend fathers, men
               Of singular integrity and learning,
               Yea, the elect o’th’land, who are assembled [60]

               To plead your cause. It shall be therefore bootless
               That longer you desire the court, as well
               For your own quiet, as to rectify
               What is unsettled in the King.

                               His grace

               Hath spoken well and justly. Therefore, madam, [65]
               It’s fit this royal session do proceed,
               And that without delay their arguments
               Be now produced and heard.


                               Lord Cardinal,
               To you I speak.

                               Your pleasure, madam.

               I am about to weep; but, thinking that [70]
               We are a queen, or long have dreamed so, certain

               The daughter of a king, my drops of tears
               I’ll turn to sparks of fire.

   1665   1666   1667   1668   1669   1670   1671   1672   1673   1674   1675