Page 1675 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1675

Be gladded in’t by me. Then follows that [195]
               I weighed the danger which my realms stood in
               By this my issue’s fail, and that gave to me
               Many a groaning throe. Thus hulling in

               The wild sea of my conscience, I did steer
               Toward this remedy, whereupon we are [200]
               Now present here together; that’s to say,
               I meant to rectify my conscience, which

               I then did feel full sick, and yet not well,
               By all the reverend fathers of the land
               And doctors learnèd. First I began in private [205]
               With you, my lord of Lincoln. You remember

               How under my oppression I did reek
               When I first moved you.

                               Very well, my liege.

               I have spoke long; be pleased yourself to say
               How far you satisfied me.


                               So please your highness, [210]
               The question did at first so stagger me,
               Bearing a state of mighty moment in’t,
               And consequence of dread, that I committed
               The daring’st counsel which I had to doubt,

               And did entreat your highness to this course [215]
               Which you are running here.

                               I then moved you,
               My lord of Canterbury, and got your leave

               To make this present summons. Unsolicited
               I left no reverend person in this court,
               But by particular consent proceeded [220]
               Under your hands and seals. Therefore, go on,
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