Page 1673 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1673
They vex me past my patience. Pray you, pass on.
I will not tarry; no, nor ever more [130]
Upon this business my appearance make
In any of their courts.
Exeunt Queen [Katherine] and her attendants
Go thy ways, Kate;
That man i’th’world who shall report he has
A better wife, let him in naught be trusted
For speaking false in that. Thou art alone − [135]
If thy rare qualities, sweet gentleness,
Thy meekness saint-like, wife-like government,
Obeying in commanding, and thy parts
Sovereign and pious else, could speak thee out −
The queen of earthly queens. She’s noble born, [140]
And like her true nobility she has
Carried herself towards me.
Most gracious sir,
In humblest manner I require your highness
That it shall please you to declare in hearing
Of all these ears (for where I am robbed and bound, [145]
There must I be unloosed, although not there
At once and fully satisfied) whether ever I
Did broach this business to your highness, or
Laid any scruple in your way which might
Induce you to the question ont’t, or ever [150]
Have to you, but with thanks to God for such
A royal lady, spake one the least word that might
Be to the prejudice of her present state,
Or touch of her good person?
My lord Cardinal
I do excuse you; yea, upon mine honour, [155]
I free you from’t. You are not to be taught