Page 1676 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1676

For no dislike i’th’world against the person
               Of the good Queen, but the sharp thorny points
               Of my allegèd reasons, drives this forward.
               Prove but our marriage lawful, by my life [225]

               And kingly dignity, we are contented
               To wear our mortal state to come with her,
               Katherine our Queen, before the primest creature
               That’s paragoned o’th’world.


                               So please your highness,
               The Queen being absent, ’tis a needful fitness [230]
               That we adjourn this court till further day.
               Meanwhile must be an earnest motion
               Made to the Queen to call back her appeal

               She intends unto his holiness.

                               I may perceive
               These Cardinals trifle with me. I abhor [235]

               This dilatory sloth and tricks of Rome.
               My learned and well-belovèd servant, Cranmer,
               Prithee return. With thy approach I know
               My comfort comes along. − Break up the court;

               I say, set on. [240]
                                                                     Exeunt in manner as they entered
   1671   1672   1673   1674   1675   1676   1677   1678   1679   1680   1681