Page 1665 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1665


               Good morrow, ladies. What were’t worth to know [50]
               The secret of your conference?

                               My good lord,
               Not your demand; it values not your asking.

               Our mistress’ sorrows we were pitying.

               It was a gentle business, and becoming
               The action of good women; there is hope [55]
               All will be well.

                               Now I pray God, amen.

               You bear a gentle mind, and heavenly blessings

               Follow such creatures. That you may, fair lady,
               Perceive I speak sincerely, and high note’s
               Ta’en of your many virtues, the King’s majesty [60]

               Commends his good opinion of you to you, and
               Does purpose honour to you no less flowing
               Than Marchioness of Pembroke; to which title
               A thousand pound a year, annual support,
               Out of his grace he adds.


                               I do not know [65]
               What kind of my obedience I should tender.
               More than my all is nothing; nor my prayers
               Are not words duly hallowed, nor my wishes

               More worth than empty vanities; yet prayers and wishes
               Are all I can return. Beseech your lordship, [70]
               Vouchsafe to speak my thanks and my obedience,
               As from a blushing handmaid, to his highness,

               Whose health and royalty I pray for.
   1660   1661   1662   1663   1664   1665   1666   1667   1668   1669   1670