Page 1664 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1664


                               Nay, good troth.

              OLD LADY
               Yes, troth and troth. You would not be a queen?

               No, not for all the riches under heaven. [35]

              OLD LADY
               ’Tis strange: a threepence bowed would hire me,
               Old as I am, to queen it. But, I pray you,

               What think you of a duchess? Have you limbs
               To bear that load of title?

                               No, in truth.

              OLD LADY
               Then you are weakly made. Pluck off a little; [40]
               I would not be a young count in your way

               For more than blushing comes to. If your back
               Cannot vouchsafe this burden, ’tis too weak
               Ever to get a boy.

                               How you do talk!

               I swear again, I would not be a queen [45]
               For all the world.

              OLD LADY
                               In faith, for little England
               You’d venture an emballing. I myself
               Would for Caernarvonshire, although there ’longed

               No more to th’crown but that. Lo, who comes here?

                                              Enter the Lord Chamberlain
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