Page 1666 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1666


               I shall not fail t’approve the fair conceit
               The King hath of you. [Aside] I have perused her well; [75]

               Beauty and honour in her are so mingled
               That they have caught the King; and who knows yet
               But from this lady may proceed a gem
               To lighten all this isle? − I’ll to the King,
               And say I spoke with you.


                               My honoured lord! [80]
                                                                                     Exit Lord Chamberlain

              OLD LADY
               Why, this it is: see, see,
               I have been begging sixteen years in court,

               Am yet a courtier beggarly, nor could
               Come pat betwixt too early and too late
               For any suit of pounds; and you − O fate! − [85]
               A very fresh fish here − fie, fie, fie upon
               This compelled fortune! − have your mouth filled up

               Before you open it.

                               This is strange to me.

              OLD LADY
               How tastes it? Is it bitter? Forty pence, no.
               There was a lady once − ’tis an old story − [90]

               That would not be a queen, that would she not,
               For all the mud in Egypt: have you heard it?

               Come, you are pleasant.

              OLD LADY
   1661   1662   1663   1664   1665   1666   1667   1668   1669   1670   1671