Page 1400 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1400


                               When he speaks, his tongue
               Sounds like a trumpet; all his lineaments
               Are as a man would wish ’em, strong and clean;

               He wears a well-steeled axe, the staff of gold; [115]
               His age some five-and-twenty.

                               There’s another,
               A little man, but of a tough soul, seeming
               As great as any; fairer promises

               In such a body yet I never looked on.


               O, he that’s freckle-faced?

                               The same, my lord. [120]
               Are they not sweet ones?

                               Yes, they are well.


               Being so few and well disposed, they show
               Great and fine art in Nature. He’s white-haired,
               Not wanton white, but such a manly colour
               Next to an auburn; tough and nimble-set, [125]

               Which shows an active soul; his arms are brawny,
               Lined with strong sinews; to the shoulder-piece
               Gently they swell, like women new-conceived,
               Which speaks him prone to labour, never fainting

               Under the weight of arms; stout-hearted, still, [130]
               But when he stirs, a tiger; he’s grey-eyed,
               Which yields compassion where he conquers; sharp
               To spy advantages, and where he finds ’em,

               He’s swift to make ’em his; he does no wrongs,
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