Page 1399 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1399

Was never soldier’s friend.

               Thou hast well described him.

                               Yet a great deal short,
               Methinks, of him that’s first with Palamon. [90]

               Pray speak him, friend.

                               I guess he is a prince too,

               And if it may be, greater; for his show
               Has all the ornament of honour in’t.
               He’s somewhat bigger than the knight he spoke of,
               But of a face far sweeter; his complexion [95]

               Is, as a ripe grape, ruddy; he has felt
               Without doubt what he fights for, and so apter
               To make this cause his own. In’s face appears
               All the fair hopes of what he undertakes,

               And when he’s angry, then a settled valour, [100]
               Not tainted with extremes, runs through his body,
               And guides his arm to brave things; fear he cannot
               He shows no such soft temper. His head’s yellow,

               Hard-haired and curled, thick-twined like ivy tods,
               Not to undo with thunder; in his face [105]
               The livery of the warlike maid appears,
               Pure red and white, for yet no beard has blessed him;

               And in his rolling eyes sits victory,
               As if she ever meant to court his valour.
               His nose stands high, a character of honour; [110]
               His red lips, after fights, are fit for ladies.


               Must these men die too?
   1394   1395   1396   1397   1398   1399   1400   1401   1402   1403   1404