Page 1397 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1397

That having two fair gauds of equal sweetness,
               Cannot distinguish, but must cry for both!
                                                   Enter a Gentleman.
               How now, sir?

                               From the noble Duke your brother, [55]

               Madam, I bring you news; the knights are come.

               To end the quarrel?


                               Would I might end first!
               What sins have I committed, chaste Diana,

               That my unspotted youth must now be soiled
               With blood of princes, and my chastity [60]
               Be made the altar where the lives of lovers −
               Two greater and two better never yet

               Made mothers joy − must be the sacrifice
               To my unhappy beauty?

                             Enter Theseus, Hippolyta, Pirithous, and attendants.

                               Bring ’em in
               Quickly, by any means; I long to see ’em. − [65]

               Your two contending lovers are returned,
               And with them their fair knights; now, my fair sister,
               You must love one of them.

                               I had rather both

               So neither for my sake should fall untimely.
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