Page 1395 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1395

               The pilot?

              FIRST FRIEND

                               What kennest thou?

              SECOND FRIEND
                               A fair wood. [150]

               Bear for it, master; tack about!

                                                                                                   [She sings]
                               When Cynthia with her borrowed light, etc.

                                                    Scene II         IT

                                       Enter Emilia alone, with two pictures.

               Yet I may bind those wounds up, that must open
               And bleed to death for my sake else; I’ll choose,
               And end their strife. Two such young handsome men

               Shall never fall for me; their weeping mothers,
               Following the dead cold ashes of their sons, [5]
               Shall never curse my cruelty. Good heaven,
               What a sweet face has Arcite! If wise Nature

               With all her best endowments, all those beauties
               She sows into the births of noble bodies,
               Were here a mortal woman, and had in her [10]
               The coy denials of young maids, yet doubtless

               She would run mad for this man. What an eye,
               Of what a fiery sparkle and quick sweetness,
               Has this young prince! Here love himself sits smiling.
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