Page 1405 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1405
some other compounded odours, which are grateful to the sense. All this shall
become Palamon, for Palamon can sing, and Palamon is sweet and every
good [85] thing. Desire to eat with her, carve her, drink to her, and still
among intermingle your petition of grace and acceptance into her favour.
Learn what maids have been her companions and playferes, and let them
repair to her with Palamon in their mouths, and appear with [90] tokens, as if
they suggested for him. It is a falsehood she is in, which is with falsehoods to
be combated. This may bring her to eat, to sleep, and reduce what’s now out
of square in her into their former law and regiment. I have seen it approved,
how many times I know [95] not, but to make the number more I have great
hope in this. I will between the passages of this project come in with my
appliance. Let us put it in execution, and hasten the success, which doubt not
will bring forth comfort. [100]