Page 1407 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1407

Honour crown the worthiest!
                                          Exeunt Theseus, Pirithous, Hippolyta, and attendants.

               The glass is running now that cannot finish
               Till one of us expire. Think you but thus,
               That were there aught in me which strove to show [20]

               Mine enemy in this business, were’t one eye
               Against another, arm oppressed by arm,
               I would destroy th’offender, coz; I would,

               Though parcel of myself. Then from this gather
               How I should tender you.

                               I am in labour [25]
               To push your name, your ancient love, our kindred,
               Out of my memory, and i’th’self-same place

               To seat something I would confound. So hoist we
               The sails, that must these vessels port even where
               The heavenly limiter pleases.

                               You speak well. [30]

               Before I turn, let me embrace thee, cousin;
                                                                                              They embrace.
               This I shall never do again.

                               One farewell.

               Why, let it be so; farewell, coz.

                               Farewell, sir.

                                                                       Exeunt Palamon and his knights.
               Knights, kinsmen, lovers − yea, my sacrifices! −
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