Page 1412 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1412
Here the hind vanishes under the altar, and in the place ascends a rose
tree, having one rose upon it.
See what our general of ebbs and flows
Out from the bowels of her holy altar
With sacred act advances: but one rose! [165]
If well inspired, this battle shall confound
Both these brave knights, and I a virgin flower
Must grow alone, unplucked.
Here is heard a sudden twang of instruments, and the rose falls from the
The flower is fallen, the tree descends! O mistress,
Thou here dischargest me; I shall be gathered; [170]
I think so, but I know not thine own will;
Unclasp thy mystery. − I hope she’s pleased;
Her signs were gracious.
They curtsy and exeunt.
Scene II IT
Enter Doctor, Gaoler, and Wooer in habit of Palamon.
Has this advice I told you done any good upon her?
O, very much. The maids that kept her company
Have half persuaded her that I am Palamon;
Within this half hour she came smiling to me,
And asked me what I would eat, and when I would kiss her. [5]
I told her, presently, and kissed her twice.
’Twas well done; twenty times had been far better,
For there the cure lies mainly.
Then she told me