Page 943 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
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New York 1980; nel Complete Oxford da Stanley Wells e Gary Taylor, Oxford
          1986. Essenziali le due più recenti edizioni curate da Brian Gibbons per il New
          Cambridge  Shakespeare,  Cambridge  1991  e  da  N.W.  Bawcutt  per  l’Oxford
          Shakespeare, Oxford 1991. Altre edizioni: di S. Nagarajan, New York, Signet,

          1964; di J.G. Saunders per la University of London Press, London 1971; di G.
          Ioppolo,  London/New  York,  Prentice  Hall-Harvester  Wheatsheaf,  1996.
          Interessante l’edizione di Ernst Leisi, «Measure for Measure»: An Old-Spelling
          and Old-Meaning Edition, Heidelberg 1964.


          Importanti  le  introduzioni  ai  testi  su  elencati,  in  particolare  quelle  al New
          Arden, New Cambridge e Oxford Shakespeare.
          Essenziale  la  consultazione  delle  opere  sui  “problem  plays”,  che  includono
          parti  o  capitoli  su Measure  for  Measure:  in  particolare  W.W.  Lawrence,
          Shakespeare’s Problem Comedies, New York 1931 (ed. riv. Harmondsworth,

          1969);  E.M.W.  Tillyard, Shakespeare’s  Problem  Plays,  London  1950;  Peter
          Ure, William Shakespeare: The Problem Plays, ivi 1961; R. Ornstein (a cura
          di ) , Discussions  of  Shakespeare’s  Problem  Comedies,  Boston  1961;  E.

          Schanzer, The  Problem  Plays  of  Shakespeare,  London  1963;  T.  Hawkes,
          Shakespeare  and  the  Reason:  A  Study  of  the  Tragedies  and  the  Problem
          Plays,  ivi  1964;  W.B.  Toole,  Shakespeare’s  Problem  Plays:  Studies  in  Form
          and  Meaning,  The  Hague  1966;  R.A.  Foakes, Shakespeare:  The  Dark
          Comedies to the Last Plays; from Satire to Celebration, Charlottesville, VA,

          1971; R.P. Wheeler,  Shakespeare’s Development and the Problem Comedies:
          Turn and Counter-Turn , Berkeley, CA, 1981; K. Muir e S. Wells (a cura di),
          Aspects  of  Shakespeare’s  Problem  Plays:  Articles  Reprinted  from

          Shakespeare’s Survey,  Cambridge  1982;  N.  Frye, The  Myth  of  Deliverance:
          Reflections on Shakespeare’s Problem Comedies, Brighton 1983; V. Thomas,
          The Moral Universe of Shakespeare’s Problem Plays, Totowa, NJ, 1987; E.A.J.
          Honigmann, Myriad-minded  Shakespeare:  Essays,  Chiefly  on  the  Tragedies
          and  Problem  Comedies,  New  York  1989;  R.  Hillman, William  Shakespeare:

          The  Problem  Plays,  ivi  1993;  Ph.C.  McGuire, Shakespeare:  The  Jacobean
          Plays, ivi 1994.
          Sull’opera:  R.W.  Chambers, The  Jacobean  Shakespeare  and  «Measure  for

          Measure», London 1937 (British Academy Lecture; e in Man’s Unconquerable
          Mind, ivi 1939); M. Lascelles, Shakespeare’s «Measure for Measure», ivi 1953;
          J.W.  Bennett, «Measure  for  Measure»  as  Royal  Entertainment,  New  York
          1966;  D.L.  Stevenson, The  Achievement  of  Shakespeare’s  «Measure  for
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