Page 1385 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1385

ACT IV        IT

                                                     Scene I        IT

                                              Enter Gaoler and his Friend.

               Heard you no more? Was nothing said of me
               Concerning the escape of Palamon?
               Good sir, remember.

              FIRST FRIEND
                               Nothing that I heard,

               For I came home before the business
               Was fully ended. Yet I might perceive, [5]
               Ere I departed, a great likelihood
               Of both their pardons; for Hippolyta

               And fair-eyed Emily, upon their knees,
               Begged with such handsome pity that the Duke
               Methought stood staggering, whether he should follow [10]
               His rash oath or the sweet compassion

               Of those two ladies; and to second them
               That truly noble prince Pirithous,
               Half his own heart, set in too, that I hope
               All shall be well; neither heard I one question [15]

               Of your name, or his ’scape.

                               Pray heaven it hold so!

                                                  Enter Second Friend.

              SECOND FRIEND
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