Page 1380 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1380

Upon their lives − but with their banishments.

               You are a right woman, sister; you have pity, [215]
               But want the understanding where to use it.
               If you desire their lives, invent a way
               Safer than banishment; can these two live,

               And have the agony of love about ’em,
               And not kill one another? Every day [220]
               They’d fight about you, hourly bring your honour

               In public question with their swords. Be wise then,
               And here forget ’em; it concerns your credit
               And my oath equally; I have said they die.
               Better they fall by th’law than one another. [225]
               Bow not my honour.

                               O, my noble brother,
               That oath was rashly made, and in your anger;
               Your reason will not hold it. If such vows
               Stand for express will, all the world must perish.

               Beside, I have another oath ’gainst yours, [230]
               Of more authority, I am sure more love;
               Not made in passion neither, but good heed.

               What is it, sister?

                               Urge it home, brave lady.

               That you would ne’er deny me anything

               Fit for my modest suit, and your free granting. [235]
               I tie you to your word now; if ye fall in’t,
               Think how you maim your honour −

               For now I am set a-begging, sir, I am deaf
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